Geographic location
Vegetation and fauna
Birds in the Foix reservoir





Geographic location

Foix Park is situated at an almost central point between the districts of El Garraf, Alt Penedès and Baix Penedès, and is therefore at the middle of the triangle formed by Vilanova i la Geltrú, El Vendrell and Vilafranca del Penedès, the main towns of these three regions.
It covers an area of approximately 1,900 hectares.

The park lies in the foothills of the Garraf massif, and the position of the reservoir is determined by the basin of the River Foix, of which it forms part of the final stretch. The Foix reservoir was officially opened in 1928 and it is within the municipality of Castellet i la Gornal.

The River Foix is the only watercourse in the whole Penedès region that links the pre-coastal mountain range, first crossing the inland plain, and finally the coastal plain, before flowing into the sea.




Morphologically, structurally and lithologically speaking, the area in question belongs to the Garraf massif, of which it may be considered as a prolongation, although it has its own remarkable particularities.

On a larger scale, its structure forms part of the Catalan coastal mountain range.




Vegetation and fauna
Holm-oak wood, which is typical of the forest community in Mediterranean climate areas, has disappeared from the area in question (secular implantation of cultivation, fires, excessive ground clearance, ) and has been replaced by stands of white pine. Any remaining holm-oaks are located in shady areas and completely mixed in with the pines.

We can also find rosemary bruc in winter. As far as shrub communities are concerned, these areas where palmettos are mixed with tree underground, garrigues and scrub, and also lime-loving rosemary and heather undergrowth.

Ash, poplar and tamarisk trees, are sporadically and unevenly distributed.

Fauna is one of most attractive features of the Foix Park. The diversity of organisms within and around the reservoir provides a wide and varied range of species.

Snakes (white snake, green snake).


Frogs and toads.
Freshwater fish
L'espčcie catalogada i present gairebé cada any és la carpa.
És el grup de vertebrats més representant, amb un total de 143 espčcies catalogades.
N'hi ha 22 espčcies catalogades.



The River Foix links the inland and coastal plains, both of which are agricultural in the level agricultural interior and the level coast, also agriculturist. Crop cultivation is more stable inland than near the coast. Vine growing and dry farming are carried out in the area closest to the Foix before it flows into the massif.

The reservoir has positively affected the area of influence, where it can be noted that the area of lush vegetation on the shady side of the strech.of water is larger and more compact than anywhere else in the massif. As its lower end, the reservoir is bounded by vineyards and other dry farming crops.

The masif has lush vegetation, which is almost forest-like in the shady parts, and more of the shub type in the sunnier parts.





The town of Castellet - which by taking strategic advantage of a small hill with a castle on top acts as a gateway to the El Garraf massif and its reservoir, and the dam itself - a major building work- make up the characteristic heritage of the area.

There is also an aqueduct and several farmhouses, such Can Bladet..




City council of Castellet i la Gornal
Rosselló, 19. La Gornal
Castellet i la Gornal
Tel. 977 670 326
Delegation of Barcelona. Service of Territorial Action
Edifici del Rellotge, 3rd. floor
Comte d'Urgell, 187
08736 Barcelona
Tel. 93 402 24 83
Fax 93 402 24 93
Access roads
Road of Vilanova to Castellet.  BV 2115
Road of the Gornal.  BV 2116
Road of Torrelletes.  BV 2117
Texts Ornitology group of the Vilafranca museum: Xavier Bayer, Cisco Guasch, Pere Mestre i Humbert Salvadó Drawings Ferran Paramo
Photographs Xavier Bayer i Humbert Salvadó Web Ramon Raventós

